Sunday 21 December 2014

WHO IS YOUR MASTER... GOD or the devil?

In this era of antichrist, it is very important and very very necessary that one must know who he/she is truly serving before you make the mistake of your life. 

You must know the God you are serving before you throw in weight with your enemy who pretends to be your maker.

Revelation 12:4 gave account on how many angels were deceived and made evil spirits.

Therefore, you must be wise before you are made an evil man.

 The devil has made many workers of iniquity without them knowing it and still thinking they are serving the only true and living God; who is compassion and love
Looking at the wickedness of this age, can you associate it
with God who is merciful, compassion and love?  
 Man know thy self.

The Maker of Man is Neither Wicked nor Heartless and will never set men against one another.

The truth remains that all this act of wickedness doesn't give him pleasure but leaves his heart in sorrow and pain because he is afflicted when his creation is afflicted
 Therefore, stop breaking the heart of God who is compassion and love.  
Enough to this act of rebellion started by the devil in Revelation 12.


Saturday 20 December 2014


Amidst the wickedness of this age, can you still offer a complete consolation to the wounded heart of Jesus, the man of sorrow as acclaimed disciple?

When the disciples of Jesus asked him "signs for the end of time" he did not hesitate to let them know that one of the signs of that age will be the reign of sin and iniquity. So anyone living in this age of pornography, wars and rumors of wars, cultism and high density of immorality, shedding of innocent blood, inordinate quest for power and wealth will definitely know that in truth, we have come to the "end of time" where sin will abound.

Therefore the fundamental question is: can you in truth be a consoler to the bleeding heart of Jesus or the broken heart of God. In the days of Noah, sin broke the heart of God; inflicted untold injuries to his merciful and compassionate heart that he even cried out and regretted having created man and put him on the surface of the Earth. So, can you be the Noah of this age or are you part of the reign of wickedness that re-enacts the pains of the passion and death of the wounded Messiah and put the heart of God in sorrow and pain? 

  Join the Passionate Consolers of Jesus to avail yourself of this evil  generation.