Saturday 17 January 2015


Please don't give up consoling and adoring the wounded Messiah. Moreover, this time we experience so much violence and corruption. 
The Savior needs you now more than ever because he is in indescribable pain and sorrow watching his creation being reduced to this level of destruction all in the name of paying service to God.
Pray that the Lord of Harvest will send fearless warriors into the vineyard to rescue men and then bring them to the right doctrine from the true living God.
Our God is not a God of violence or destruction but that of Love and Peace who always desires that his people will always live in peace and harmony.  

The violent is not of God therefore lay down your arms you men of violence and obey the instructions of the rightful owner of heaven and earth.
I Leave you Peace, My Peace I give you says the Lord before his departure to the Heavens. 

Hence May we continue to Pray that Peace Reigns on Earth irrespective of our ideological, racial and religious differences.

Remain Blessed.

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