Thursday 5 November 2015


Many Christians especially non-Catholics do not believe in purgatory and don't consider it necessary to pray for the dead. But the big question is : When Jesus Christ died, did he go to Heaven or descended to the world of the dead? 
Definitely not Heaven because when he resurrected, he warned Mary Magdalene not to cling to him because he has not gone to the Father. Therefore it means he went to the domain/ realm of the dead. 
If it is the realm of the dead, what did the scripture say that he went there to do?
1 Peter 3:18-19 says: "For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, the just for the unjust and the innocent for the guilty that he might bring us to God. In his human body, he was put to death, but he was made alive in the spirit in which he went and PREACHED to the Spirits in prison. The souls of those who long before in the days of Noah had been disobedient when God's Patience waited during the building of the Ark in which few people eight in number were saved through water".

From the aforementioned, purgatory exists though the word used in the scripture is prison. So whether you call it prison or purgatory, they are all detention rooms for spirits of the dead (those who were disobedient when they lived in the flesh). Now Jesus preached to them to purify them to be worthy to ascend or attend Paradise. As it is written in 1 Peter 4:6,  "For this is why the Good news was preached even to the dead, that though judged in fleshy bodies as men are, they might live in the spirit as God does". Therefore, the dead need your prayers.  So whether it is called purgatory or purification, they need your assistance. 

Summarily, as we take the Feast of all souls seriously, we must let people understand this truth of the Scripture as well as the essence of Praying for the Souls in purgatory; we are not referring to hell fire rather the realm of the dead where disobedience is paid for. To fasten the release of one in purgatory, the battle must be fought and won at the alter of prayer.

This information was revealed by the Lord himself to me when he took me to purgatory in the year 2000. There i saw many people whom i knew in flesh who were still detained there. His message was Pray for these souls that they may be purified for the Kingdom of God.

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