Monday 18 February 2013


Since generations past, God has been raising powerful and highly anointed  men and women of God, who day and night never stopped crying and calling  mankind to repentance, to avoid coming to hell, to face the wrath of God. To these messengers,  God revealed the nature of the fire of hell  and the conditions of those found in that state of torment. The sight of what they beheld could not allow them to keep mute even in the face of fierce persecutions and death. With hearts full of sorrows and tears and not desiring any one to step into this abyss of death or lake of fire as the scripture rightly puts it, they never stopped moving from place to place, day and night, with great lamentations admonishing men to think of eternity.  Hell fire is not a place to be considered as an option to spend eternity. For Jesus son of David, it is considered a better option not to even be born alive than to experience the heat of hell. For the son of man is about to be betrayed and go to his faith, but how terrible for that man who betrays him Lk. 22 : 22, again he said, For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul. But man in his stubbornness of heart shuns this call and even sometimes devises ways and means to get rid of these messengers of God in order to have enough air to enjoy life without anyone reminding him of eternity, while many in their own cases do not give a dame at all, because for them life and death end here on earth. Yet another set are those who actually believe in life after death but are in love with this world and are carried away by the glamour of this world.   

 Well, whether man wants to hear about eternity or not, the truth is that this present world is coming to an end and the new age begins which is the birth of eternity and in the new age, the eternity of course,  we have just heaven and hell, no middle course. You either find yourself in heaven or in hell depending on the life you lived in this present age. The Lord said today, I  present to you life and death and I advise you to choose life. How I wish all men will choose life.

Here is  another powerful voice in our generation,  reminding humanity once again about life after death, urging man  to think of eternity while still in flesh and blood. This oracle is not of flesh and blood but one inspired and revelled by the one who never wished that any one should perish but that all may enjoy everlasting life. Listen to this redemption cry and  make due preparation  for the everlasting journey. Remember, the Lord’s anger is a storm, a furious whirled wind that will rage over the heads of the wicked. Therefore, have a rethink and harken to this redemption call. This book said it all with strong warning and admonitions and I urge you to read it, meditate on it and preach it wherever man is found.    

Rev. Fr. Donatus Chukwu CSsR.


Saturday 16 February 2013


The passionate consolers or companions of Jesus are those that will comfort, and commensurate with him, adore his holy wounds and precious blood.
  • These people will lead the world back to Christ by their cries and entreaty. 
  •  They will pray a great deal and offer sacrifices and atonement for souls by making reparations. 
  • The Lord reveals his sad feelings to such souls moreover when they watch and pray always. 
  • They will fight their evil inclinations and strive not to grow into bad habits. 
  • They will always stand to cleanse His defiled and disfigured countenance out of love for the eternal Father. 
  • They consummate themselves in the LORD and take actions against evil and infirmity with complete obedience. 
  • They comfort and console Jesus, quench his thirst tirelessly and invoke his divine mercy over mankind. 
  • They follow his painful path for the good of souls. 
  • These are people who always stare with deep emotions at the evils afflicting humanity and the Church of today and shed     tears of sorrow with deep compassion (Ek 9 vs 4). 
  • They are consecrated to the Holy wounds of Jesus through the most precious blood of Jesus and the immaculate heart of Mary for the salvation of all the poor sinful children of God. 
  • They embrace with love all the sufferings design for them by the LORD.  As co-agonizers, cross-bearers, passionate companions of the LORD, they also embrace    his type of pains as stigmata. 
  • They always listen to the anguish heavenly voice of the agonizing Jesus and send the message across to the world.             

Wednesday 13 February 2013


John the Baptist came with the zeal of Elijah and preached repentance. His mission was to prepare a repentant people to welcome the Lord. John demanded immediate repentance, giving up of sins, and a total reformed life. He admonished the people that if they did not give up their evil ways, they will be cast away like a useless tree, cut down and thrown into fire. Let the words of John ring in our ears during this lent. We are called upon to repent and reform our live. We are required to clean our hearts and be reconciled back to God. Lent is a proper time to do this. Remain Blessed

1.     Prayer of Manasseh
2.     Psalms  51, 38, 130, 121, 42, 63
3.     Isaiah  1 : 10 – 18
            Isaiah   58
            Isaiah   62
4.     Rosary of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus :
            Rosary of Consolation
5.     Stations of The Cross
6.     Divine Mercy Prayer: The Rosary
7.     Precious blood prayer: Anguish Appeal   
8.  Visits to the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration & Consolation of the Sacred Wounds/ Bleeding Heart of Jesus.

Lenten Prayer for 2013 by Rev. Fr. Donna Chukwu, CSsr. Our Lady Mercy Catholic Church, Iva Valley, Enugu.

Friday 8 February 2013


In a present generation when all things seem to be flourishing, there seem to be old and abominable habits which were frowned at but  now they are publicly discussed and even endorsed in some countries across the world.

What is the mind of God on these events and activities?
This Clip tell more on these activities and sounds a warning message to the present Generation.
Are we  about to witness a new dawn of Sodom & Gomorrah?
Are we ready to face the consequences?
             May God Help us.


Stations of the Cross is a way of reflection on the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ and how he died on the cross without committing any offense.  He lived and died without committing any sin. 

It is also a form of prayer. A strong prayer indeed. It is useful for our spiritual growth if you become accustomed to it in a meditative and devoted manner. You will be able to endure the trouble, problems and persecutions of this earthly life. In fact, you will be modified to the heavenly style of life.

When performing Stations of the Cross, let us open our life properly; let us be touched with the passions and the death of our lord Jesus Christ on the cross. Our lord accepted the passions and death on the cross because of the love he has for mankind.

Let us give him thanks for what he has done for us, let us love him above all things in heaven, on earth and under the earth. The only way we can show him love is by living a good life, praising, adoring and worshiping him always. Meditating on his suffering during stations of the cross is a way of expressing our love for him. Furthermore, let us offer him ourselves and allowing him to do with us whatever that pleases him. May we follow him whole heartedly to Calvary by accepting daily the crosses of our lives.

The Stations of the Cross is normally done during Lenten season which is the period the church commemorates the passions of our Lord Jesus Christ. It will be good if we can be holding it every Friday in remembrance of the day of our Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross. In so doing, we will be contemplating his sacrificial suffering and death on the cross.  If we can do it every day, we shall be gaining more graces for ourselves. 

Stations of the Cross is normally done in the church. It can as well be done at your home. You can reflect upon the passion of our Lord Jesus with the Stations of the Cross while walking, travelling, at your place of work. In fact, wherever you are, you can hold stations of the cross if you wish. 

It will be nice enough for you to desire this act always. It is something worth doing. It is an act of LOVE. Whenever you wish to do it, do it meditatively and devotedly. In so doing, you see a lot of Jesus in your life. Don’t let laziness discourage you from performing this act. Seek the help of our Mother Blessed Virgin Mar, She will help you.
My brothers and sister let us begin now and be steadfast in it till the end of our lives. We will discover the JOY in it.