It is
also a form of prayer. A strong prayer indeed. It is useful for our spiritual
growth if you become accustomed to it in a meditative and devoted manner. You
will be able to endure the trouble, problems and persecutions of this earthly
life. In fact, you will be modified to the heavenly style of life.
performing Stations of the Cross, let us open our life properly; let us be
touched with the passions and the death of our lord Jesus Christ on the cross.
Our lord accepted the passions and death on the cross because of the love he
has for mankind.
us give him thanks for what he has done for us, let us love him above all
things in heaven, on earth and under the earth. The only way we can show him
love is by living a good life, praising, adoring and worshiping him always. Meditating
on his suffering during stations of the cross is a way of expressing our love
for him. Furthermore, let us offer him ourselves and allowing him to do with us
whatever that pleases him. May we follow him whole heartedly to Calvary by
accepting daily the crosses of our lives.
The Stations
of the Cross is normally done during Lenten season which is the period the
church commemorates the passions of our Lord Jesus Christ. It will be good if
we can be holding it every Friday in remembrance of the day of our Lord Jesus
Christ who died on the cross. In so doing, we will be contemplating his sacrificial
suffering and death on the cross. If we
can do it every day, we shall be gaining more graces for ourselves.
Stations of the Cross is normally done in the church. It can as well be done at your home. You can reflect upon the passion of our Lord Jesus with the Stations of the Cross while walking, travelling, at your place of work. In fact, wherever you are, you can hold stations of the cross if you wish.
Stations of the Cross is normally done in the church. It can as well be done at your home. You can reflect upon the passion of our Lord Jesus with the Stations of the Cross while walking, travelling, at your place of work. In fact, wherever you are, you can hold stations of the cross if you wish.
It will be nice enough
for you to desire this act always. It is something worth doing. It is an act of
LOVE. Whenever you wish to do it, do
it meditatively and devotedly. In so doing, you see a lot of Jesus in your
life. Don’t let laziness discourage you from performing this act. Seek the help
of our Mother Blessed Virgin Mar, She will help you.
brothers and sister let us begin now and be steadfast in it till the end of our
lives. We will discover the JOY in
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